Small Streams

Lower Teton River

The Teton River rates as our best small stream for fishing from a boat or a flotation device. The river in the basin comes to mind first for hard sided boats and flotation devices, but it can be "loved to death." .Flotation devices, large and small, are best for float fishing through the canyon, but on leaving the canyon, hard sided boats revive as a good choice These can be launched from a number of locations from Spring Hollow, the Teton Dam site and the Hog Hollow bridge site on down. With the fall mayfly emergence peak coming (BWO, mahogany dun, speckled dun, remaining tricos) and great bank side terrestrial insect populations and much fewer anglers than the larger rivers, the Teton River is a local fly fishing treasure.

Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan