Small Streams

Some of these are beginning to drop below normal flows because of our warm, dry weather. Others are "lucky." Palisades Creek, for example, has two lakes, Upper and Lower, in its drainage. The upper lake has an almost total subsurface outflow, and the lower lake has a good subsurface component to its outflow. These just about guarantee that water levels will remain good through the season. So Palisades Creek is less impacted by the warm, dry weather than most other area streams. Consider visiting this great small stream. Yellowstone cutts dominate with a few cut-bow hybrids present below the lower lake. Right now terrestrial, caddis life cycle, and traditional attractor patterns will bring success. Flavs should soon become important to foraging fish. Best fishing will be during the afternoon hours, and an excellent trail parallels most of the creek.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan