Small Streams

      Catfish grayling (640x480) We have a most unusual small stream in our area that can offer most interesting fishing. That stream is Red Rock Creek in Montana's Centennial Valley, just west of Henry's Lake. What makes it so interesting is its grayling population, among which are a few individuals approaching eighteen inches in length. These fish can be difficult, however, but when found in a feeding mood provide perhaps amongst our rarest of fly-fishing treats. Right now their season in the creek is winding down, so they are retreating downstream to upper Red Rock Lake. They however can take caddis life cycle patterns (#12-18) and small ( nothing bigger than #10, 2x long hooks is advised) terrestrial patterns if in a feeding mode. If you are lucky enough to encounter then release one, be sure to handle it gently and quickly. That is because these unusually beautiful salmonids are in danger of diminishing. By the way, Odell Creek, further to the west, slightly smaller, and ending in Lower Red Rock Lake also hosts these living gems.
Fly Patterns to use:
Harrop’s CDC Water Wasp-Honey
Antonio’s Adult BWO