South Fork

USBR is keeping it word about South Fork flows this winter. Currently they are about: 950 cfs at Irwin, 1250 cfs at Heise, and 650 cfs at Lorenzo. Palisades Reservoir is about 80 % full, so there are no big concerns about it filling it even during this winter of below normal snow fall. Recent warm weather, which could extend into early February, may have removed snow from much of the countryside but unimproved roads remain mostly closed.

Same story continues with respect to fishing. Mid day hours are best for comfort, your rod guides, and your reel. These times will feature the best top water activity through midge emergences (Griffith's gnat is still one of the best patterns for action), and trying slower, deeper water with streamer, fly rod jig and rubber leg patterns. Don't try unmaintained roads; getting stuck can ruin an outing.

Fly Patterns to use:
Tungsten Zebra Midge Thin Black
Egan’s Rainbow Warrior Pearl
Mayhem Emerger Black