South Fork

South Fork boat ramps won't look like this until June of next year!
Flow out of Palisades /Dam was reduced a few days ago ( now about 2200 cfs at Irwin, 3200 cfs at Heise, 1200 cfs at Lorenzo). Water downstream to the Henry's Fork confluence is cold and clear. BWO and midges make for the best hatches with mahogany duns beginning to diminish. Browns are migrating and becoming aggressive, so streamer patterns of choice will attract them. Walk-in wade conditions are about as good as can be. Unsettled weather is coming up for the rest of the week.
Fly Patterns to use:
Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow - Sculpin
Harrop's D & D Cripple Mahogany
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis