South Fork
!!!!!!This is our official Winter Report!!!!!
As winter approaches fly fishing will become fairly slow. Slow enough that we will not be updating the fishing report as often as we do in the spring, summer and fall. We will continue to keep you updated on any changes in the river or good fishing that might happen during the winter. We want to continue to be your best source for information on fishing in our local area. The reason we don't update the fishing report as much in the winter is because the conditions do not change. With that said successful fly fishing in the winter time is very obtainable. Many people enjoy winter fishing and find it to be very rewarding. Here are a few things that will help you be successful while fishing this winter.
Pick the right day. You will want to pick a day that will be warm. I like to use the rule of 32. If it is above 32 degrees its warm enough to fish. If the high doesn't reach 32, fishing might not be the best option. There are exceptions to this rule but in general it is a good one to follow.
Leave the Boat at Home. Most of the boat ramps do not get plowed in the winter so it is really hard to launch your boat. The flows are very low in the winter and 3 miles will take all day to float. The fishing in the winter is only good for a few hours during the warmest part of the day. Wade fishing is very easy in the winter, focus finding fish to catch during those few hours when the fish are active. Fish pod up in the winter in the slow deep holes and the tail outs of riffles. Pounding the bank from the boat is not an effective way to catch fish in the winter.
Be Prepared! Things that go wrong on a typical summer day of fishing can be dangerous. Those same risks can be multiplied very quickly in the winter months. Hypothermia is something you would watch out for in the summer and expect in the winter! Especially if you fall while wading and take a swim. Never travel too far from the car unless you are prepared with an extra set of dry clothes, and the ability to make a fire. Its a good idea to fish with a partner, and never ever think it is safe to walk out on river ice. Once the sun goes down the temperature drops dramatically so be prepared and know when it's time to call it a day.
Flies. Typically you will be nymph fishing in the winter. Size 8-12 rubberlegs with a beadhead nymph dropper in a size 14-20 will produce the most fish. Streamers will work but need to be presented really, really slow.
Fish become very lethargic in the winter and do not move fast. This is how the conserve energy in the winter time. However they still need to eat everyday. Winter fishing can be some of the most memorable fishing you will experience. Very small crowds on the river and lots of opportunities to see wintering wildlife. Most of the time you will be the only one on the river so be smart, because chances are no will show up to rescue you. If you have any questions on spots to fish, or winter fishing techniques call or stop in at the shop and we will be happy to assist you.
Fly Patterns to use:
Flugenzombie Dirty Baitfish
Rusty Trombone
Sculpzilla- Black