South Fork

March South Fork As February recedes there is certainly more pleasant days upcoming. Cold water temperatures dominate, but fish will become increasingly active, and whether pitching streamers and big nymph patterns or doing the same with tiny midge life cycle patterns fishing begins to improve. River flow has been adequate for maintaining fish populations at around 1800 cfs in flow all winter being the norm, with somewhat higher rates through the canyon down to Heise. Access is present for walk-in fishing along the lower river, and we at Jimmy's can recommend locations for doing so. The river road from Wolverine to Black Canyon is closed to motorized access to minimize stress to wintering wildlife, and will remain so until IDF&G determines an opening. Consider a cross country skiing trip to fish and do photography in this stretch where tranquility reigns. Boating is more limited, but can be done. Boat launch parking areas are plowed at some locations (Conant, Palisades Creek, and Spring Creek), but ramps are not thus requiring chain-ups and care to launch and takeout. So now is the time to check those waders for integrity, put cleaning touches on reels and lines, and anticipate the improving conditions that signal a beginning to the South Fork fishing season.
Fly Patterns to use:
Tungsten Zebra Midge Thin Black
Egan’s Rainbow Warrior Pearl
Mayhem Emerger Black