South Fork

The USBUREC kept its word about releasing about 900 cfs out of Palisades dam throughout the winter. Yesterday they increased flow from the dam a bit to 1150 cfs. Priority is to fill Palisades Reservoir for the upcoming agricultural season, but with at least 120% of normal snow pack in the drainage above, this should be readily done. Flood control will enter into the water management picture for a while as the amount of water released will be at a rate not to add to the potential for such in the valley below.

Fishing season has begun along the river below as receding snow pack means increasing access. Exception is that all USFS roads will remain closed until May 1st because of the effects of the past winter. To date whitefish seem to be more active than trout, especially to nymphing, but that will change as the season warms. Midges (snowflies) currently provide the major insect emergences with a few skwalas showing here and there.

Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Olsen’s DNA Worm Pink & Red Barbless
Get Down Worm- Red