South Fork

From Cpgd (640x480) Flow out of Palisades Dam was increased to 13500 cfs yesterday ( now 15500 cfs at Heise, 12200 cfs at Lorenzo). These flows remain in the range of what is expected during summer, and all boat launch sites are open. Palisades Reservoir is now about 75% full to contain upcoming run-off. The river has clear, cold water throughout making streamers and large nymph patterns (Bitch Creek, Montana nymph, etc) and rubber legs, best bets for successful fishing. Try trailing a San Juan worm, squirmy wormy, or otter egg behind a big nymph or rubber legs.
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Olsen’s DNA Worm Pink & Red Barbless
Get Down Worm- Red