South Fork

Flow out of Palisades Dam has been stable at around 10300 cfs for several days, but increases are coming as water management plans are to reduce the reservoir capacity to 73% in order to contain what looks to be a very large run-off. So it will be a while before the South Fork will be in good fly fishing condition.

Another happening for the river is that Caribou-Targhee National Forest has opened the river road above the Table Rock-River Road intersection as winter closure for big game has ended. However above this point the road remains mostly snow covered or muddy. This makes getting to Cottonwood boat launch not advised, even through using four wheel drive vehicles, until the road dries out. Boat launch sites downstream of this intersection are open.

Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Olsen’s DNA Worm Pink & Red Barbless
Get Down Worm- Red