South Fork
Water conditions on the South fork are much better than we expected to see at this time of year. The flow from the Palisades Dam is 12,700 with a slight greenish tint. Water temp is in the mid 40's. We have had our best luck on streamers fished on type IV full sinking lines or long 20 foot type 4 or 6 sink tips. The fish have been holding on the slower banks and pools. Our best technique is casting the fly straight at the bank from a boat and making a downstream mend. Let the fly sink and begin to swim (or drag) downstream. As the fly swings out begin stripping the sinking line back in. Some of the takes have actually been on the swing out before you begin striping the fly. Some takes have also been as you pull the fly from the river to recast.
Our best patterns have been:
#4 Clouser Minnows in a chartruese/white color combo,
Belly Ache Minnow in size 4,
Prince-of-a buggers (Brown) in size 4.
Galloup"s Sex Dungeon in size 2 (Olive or Black)
Stenersen's Olive or Gray String Leech in size #6
Olive, Black or white Conehead Zuddlers in size4
We have also had good luck on a Bennett's Rubber Leg with either a glo bug or San Juan Worm dropper. We using these flies on a floating line with and indictor.
One note about the lower river below Byington. The river has changed dramatically. Many of the channels we floated last year are dry and new ones have been cut. The same goes for tree and brush piles. Some have moved or have additions to them while other are completely gone. Please be carefull when you leave the main river to enter a side channel. If you are not quite sure about what might be ahead give yourself plenty of room and time to stop and look.
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Olsen’s DNA Worm Pink & Red Barbless
Get Down Worm- Red
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Olsen’s DNA Worm Pink & Red Barbless
Get Down Worm- Red