South Fork

South Fork (what we would like it to be) The flow is steady at 12,000 cfs and clear. The big stones are out around Twin Bridges in good numbers. Heavy hatches of yellow sallies, golden stones and pale morning duns are in the riffles. Some green drakes in the late afternoon. If you want to get a head start on the crowds consider launching before daylight and fish streamers against the bank until the sun comes over the canyon rim. South Fork (what it really is) The flow is 15,000 cfs and very off color. There are good hatches of yellow sallies and some golden stones but the fish are not looking up and probably won't until the water clears some. We have been fishing san juan worms, bennetts rubber legs with a small nymph dropper with fair success on trout and good success on whitefish. On the lower river below Heise the flow is 9,000 cfs and there are more places to get out and fish. There is 32,000 cfs running in to Palisades Reservoir and at this rate the reservoir will fill around July 11th. We are hoping that the inflow will drop so that inflow will match outflow by the 11th. Please hope with us. Meanwhile we'll continue to monitor the flows and pass along any additional information we get.
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Coppertop Duracell
Get Down Worm- Red