South Fork

The flows on the South Fork have stayed steady at 10.700cfs. The river is fishing really well with big rubberleg nymphs, pheasants tails, prince nymphs, and copper johns. Streamers have also been fishing really well, especially on cloudy days. Use a sink tip while fishing streamers and slow down the presentation. Also try fishing a conehead J.J. Special dead drifted like a nymph under a strike indicator. Clousers and Zonkers are producing fish as well. The South Channel that floats to the Twin Bridges Boat Ramp has an obstacle that needs some attention for your safety. As you travel to the boat ramp the channel will become very narrow and there is a large tree has fallen over. We have included some photos for you. imgp2357 This is looking downstream into the narrow channel. imgp2360 This photo is taken looking back upstream at the fallen log. This channel is passable as long as the water stays at its current level. As soon as we see an increase in the flows floating to the Twin Bridges Boat Ramp will be out of the question because you will not be able to get your boat over or under this log. As always this time of year check out Channels if you are unsure if they are passable.
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Coppertop Duracell
Get Down Worm- Red