South Fork

The river continues to fish well from Palisades down through canyon. Folks are still catching fish above Spring Creek on the big stones but the most consistent fishing has been with golden stones and the smaller yellow sallies. The flow has dropped a little more and is down to 12,700 cfs. One note of caution about the upper river at the Fall Creek falls. On the left bank below the falls there is a log that comes out into the river and this week two boats hit the log and sunk. You can easily avoid this tree by staying on river right. The lower river from Heise down has been fishing much slower than above. I don't know the explanation for this but the flow has dropped another 2000 cfs since last weekend so we look for things to improve on the lower river.
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD