South Fork
Flow out of Palisades Dam has been steady at 12700 cfs for two days now. This is very close to historic flows for this time of year. And the river is clearing noticeably. The golden stoneflies are numerous from the canyon into Swan Valley, and PMDs are emerging up and down the river. The upper river provides the best fishing now. With gravel bars emerging and riffles stabilizing look for a great season for fishing PMDs and later mayflies all summer. Come in or contact us about the best strategy and flies as the South Fork returns to it famous reputation for summer fishing.
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD