South Fork

Conditions on the South Fork this year are those that have made it famed or fishing. Water flows have not only been ideal for float fishing, but also nearly constant. Insect activity has been nearly as expected, and weather, if a bit on the hot & dry side, good. As a result visitations are up, not just through guiding operations but from visiting anglers prefering to go on their own experience. Want to get away from much of the crowds? Begin fishing about 6PM and stay on the water to dusk. Riffle fishing will still be great with caddis taking over and there is the possibility of a spinner fall. Try throwing a streamer when the light is leaving the river. Recently fishing slowed on the lower river because water has been shut down from the Big Feeder meaning increased flows in the river below. Given a few days the river will stabilize and good fishing will return.
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD