South Fork

Flow out of Palisades Dam has been stable at 12700 cfs for several days now, and the flow at Heise (13,800 cfs) has been just as stable. And both flows are at historic normals. All this means that the river, especially in Swan Valley and in the canyon, is at its summer best. Some golden stones are still hanging around there, emerging yellow sallys and PMDs are bringing fish into riffles. Bring your favorite life-cycle patterns for these remembering that presentation dominates specific pattern. On the specific side, super-x patterns are living up to their "fish-getter" reputations when swept under bushes, overhangs and along grassy banks. Caddis flights bring evening action, and a few green drakes are beginning to show in canyon locations. One should also pack streamer patterns for evening action around sheltered banks and shallows. It's a great time to be on the river, and look for the river to fish well for weeks to come. Get in touch. We can give you advise not only on strategy, but equipment, best locations, and specific fly patterns.
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD