South Fork
The South fork is fishing very well right now. Bruce provided a lot of good information in his previous report, but I just wanted to add a little to it. Like Bruce said there are bugs coming off all over the place. The big salmonflies are on the upper river and have been fishing best earlier in the morning. Patterns like the CFO Pink ant size 8, Jakes Hot Cakes Salmon Fly size 6, and the Kingfisher Widowmaker in a size 4 would all be good bets. Golden Stones are hatching as well and flies like Berrett's Golden Stone in sizes 8-12 and the CFO Yellow ant in size 8 have been producing. The PMD fishing in the riffles has been on fire all up and down the river. The fish haven't been to picky yet, but if they are, its important to switch up your flies in until you figure out what the fish are taking. The pink comparaduns in size 16-18 have still been producing well but flies like the Quigley's pink hackle stacker sizes 16-18, Harrop's pink thorax dun sizes 16-18, and the CFO pink spinner size 18 would be good to have with you too. If the fish are being really finicky in the riffles try fishing a PMD hunchback emerger in a size 18 as a dropper, sometimes that really works. Yellow sallies are still coming off too so make sure you have a few of those on hand too like Kyles Yellow sally sizes 14-16 and the CFO Yellow Sally in 14-16. The fishing has been very good and will likely to continue to be good so get out there!
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD