South Fork

The flow out of Palisades Dam is dropping, but at a slow rate up to now. This AM it is 21,100 cfs. Nevertheless the big bugs are coming off on the lower river, Twin Bridges to Byington. Some folks are seeing good action from there, but the best way to find fish remains with big nymphs such as rubberlegs and with streamers fished deep. Also being seen on the river are sallys and some PMDs. When the river flow drops further, floating and fishing will be easier and more productive. Look for that to happen in the manner given in our July 2nd report. We will keep on top of how the flows are dropping and pass on such info in this report. So keep on watching here because better days on the South Fork are not far away!
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD