South Fork

The multiple hatch days on the Henry's Fork have peaked. Now it is the South Fork's turn! With the flow back to summertime levels ( 13200 cfs at Irwin, 13800 at Heise, 8000 cfs at Lorenzo) all sorts of bugs are out. PMDs, green drakes, sallies, and salmon flies are out and up river at least into the canyon. Fish know what they are and are on them. The fun begins with figuring out which bugs are in the favor of trout at any given location on the river. So go with life cycle patterns for all those mentioned. Also include the old standard patterns. Word is out, so boat launch sites are crowded. So is the river road above Heise with boats being trailed to launch sites and shuttles being completed. You will see license plates from as far away as New Jersey and from as close as from here at home, but there is plenty of this great river for all of us.
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD