South Fork

From Bryce Oldemeyer, South Fork Initiative Project Manager, HFF: Discharge from Palisades Dam was reduced 1,000 cfs this afternoon (7/8, 2pm) and will be reduced another 1,000 cfs tonight. Discharge from Palisades Dam will be 13,300 cfs tomorrow morning. Dependent on irrigation demand, small decreases to Palisades Dam discharge may be made later this week. Riffle fishing from PMD and yellow sally activity offers best action by early afternoons. Beforehand use your favorite small beadhead nymph patterns there. Rubberleg patterns may also work here during the early hours. Stonefly hatch is below Cottonwood and has been doing a great job of taking boats from the lower Henry's Fork. Don't forget the tip of slowing down your boat and pitching super renegade patterns underneath or just in front of overhangs and retrieving as you drift on by! --
Fly Patterns to use:
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Dornan’s Micro Circus Sally
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD