South Fork
Flow out of Palisades Dam was stepped down to just under 8000 cfs over the last two days and water temp there is 61 deg. F. It cools to around 60 deg. F. as you travel down river. It's all great news for walk-in wade fishing. Select a section of river with riffles and walk in. Do not overlook side channels, especially those holding riffles. We can recommend some candidate locations, so c'mon in. Hitting the banks using hopper and chernobyl patterns from a boat works well, but getting out of that boat to fish riffles works better than floating through them!
Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD
Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD