South Fork

From his experience Jimmy offers that the South Fork is currently fishing as good as it can. He fished the upper river later this last weekend, and had great results presenting a variety of flies. In riffles and shallows fishing dry with a Parachute adams trailed with a PMD trailer was very effective. Throwing a chernobyl ant or hopper pattern with or without a nymph trailer produced against banks. Streamers produced for him later in the day. Mutant stones are out and moving, and each drop in flow out of Palisades Dam exposes more of them. Good fishing here makes sense because water temperature remains consistent and close to optimum for trout, and there have been no major drops in flow to date, just step downs of hundreds of cfs at any time.
Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD