South Fork

Tim Woodard is a premier South Fork guide. We picked Tim's fishing brain for some thoughts on what brings mid summer South Fork fly-fishing success. Hoppers are beginning to produce fish on the lower river and in the canyon. Parahoppers and Rainey's hopper seem to work well. Fish 'em & foam ants tight into the bank. Expect refusals, and realize that inches in placing these flies with a drag free drift can make a difference in whether it is taken. Riffle fishing is still good, but getting tougher as fish are getting picky. Change patterns frequently and concentrate on rising fish during daytime. Nymph (rubberlegs or beadheads) tight into the banks in the early AM and in the late afternoon when the fishing slows. Fishing tight into banks gets you trout; about a foot or so away, you get into more "stiffies" (email us if you don't know what a "stiffie" is, but any long-time South Fork fly-fisher knows what a "stiffie" is!). Tim also suggests not overlooking the numerous small channels along the South Fork. They don't see drift boat traffic like the main river, so get out and wade 'em.
Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD