South Fork

With flow out of Palisades Dam just under 10000 cfs, lots of things are happening. First, much more of the river is safer for walk-in wading. There are numerous wading locations along the road above Heise to Black Canyon and the river road above Fall Creek. These are too numerous to discuss on a one-on-one basis here, so get in touch with us or come in to look at candidates that fit your schedule and preferences. Please remember whether you walk in or fish from a boat use caution and common sense. We lost one person on the river a week ago, and that is one too many. With respect to activity, riffle fishing is at its peak up and down the river. PMDs, caddis and sallys are all emerging making for day-long riffle fishing with their life cycle patterns. The other good news is that the hoppers are active along the river and growing in size. This means that successful tactics used for the recent big stonefly hatches will work again. If you are on the river late in the day or very early, be sure to have streamer patterns in that fly box. These times of day hold some of your best chances for meeting the biggest fish of the season through presenting streamers.
Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD