South Fork

The dry fly fishing has really started to slow down on the river during the heat of the day. The best time to fish dry flies is the morning hours and the evenings. Hoppers, chernobyls against the bank work the best. Streamers have also been productive during this time as well. Blue Wing Olives will hatch on overcast days. Look for fish to be feeding on them in the slower water and tailouts in the riffles. During the heat of the day I suggest a pink thingamabobber, with a rubberleg about 6 feet below the indicator. Drop a copper john, pheasant tail, or a zebra midge about 18 inches below the rubberleg. Flows on the South Fork are currently at 7100cfs at the Dam. The Bureau of Reclamation has informed us that the base flow for the South Fork this winter will be 1700 cfs. Flows on the river will continue to drop throughout the next month and a half as the irrigation demand for water continues to expire. Access on foot will become better as the water continues to drop. As always if you have any questions or want an up to the date report call us at the shop or email us at
Fly Patterns to use:
Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow - Sculpin
Harrop's D & D Cripple Mahogany
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Dornan’s Nocturnal Stone