South Fork
Flows out of the South Fork have dropped to 8500 CFS. Don't let this drop in water scare you from fishing the South Fork. With the drop in flows look to see the Mutant Stone flies to begin hatching again. Fish chernobyl ants into the bank and riffles, and give them a little twitch. Also look for fish eating mayflies. Mahogany Duns and Blue Wing Olives will be hatching as well. Overcast days will help bring those hatches along. As we get into the fall season it is time to start beefing up your streamer selection, the fish have started to key in on them. We have a great variety of streamers here at the shop. Come on in and we will be happy to help you stock up on your fly selection. This is a good time to fish, and go camping on the river. Small crowds and great fishing!
Fly Patterns to use:
Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow - Sculpin
Harrop's D & D Cripple Mahogany
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Dornan’s Nocturnal Stone
Fly Patterns to use:
Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow - Sculpin
Harrop's D & D Cripple Mahogany
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Dornan’s Nocturnal Stone