Southwestern Montana
Big event here is the giant/golden stonefly event on the Madison River. They are into the "wade only" section and moving upstream. Yellow Sallies, PMDs and caddis also provide action up and down the river. We also hear that there are a few flavs coming out. If you want crowded fishing try the river between Hebgen and Quake lakes. The stonefly adults will be flying there soon and will bring in even more anglers. Midging continues to be the best tehnique for taking fish on Hebgen Lake. All you need to do is find the taking depth. Some of the smaller streams are really shaping up. This includes Grayling Creek north of West Yellowstone where the fish run to surprising sizes. Any dry attractor pattern will do the trick there.
Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD
Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD