Southwestern Montana

Elk Lake

The big news here is the advance of big stone flies up the Madison River. But for the still water fly fisher there are a couple of lakes offering some good fishing. These are Elk and Hidden Lakes just north of Centennial Valley.

Elk Lake is the easiest to approach ( From Red Rock Pass travel the road to where the South Valley and Elk Lake Roads diverge). Follow Elk Lake Road to the lower part of the the lake where a public boat launch and the Elk Lake resort are situated. Damsel fly and speckled dun activity will provide good top water action along shorelines holding submerged vegetation. West Slope cutthroat inhabit these areas. Fish deep water with a full sink line and stout leader to offer streamers to lake trout ranging up to twenty pounds.

Hidden Lake is tougher to approach. A four wheel drive road leaves the resort and ends about a quarter mile from the lake. Packing a flotation device to the lake is practical, but the best way o fish is to rent a boat from the resort. For a rental fee the resort provides oars and a key to unlock a boat at their livery on the lake. Damsel flies and speckled duns can provide top water action from resident rainbow trout ranging well into to trophy sizes. If these events are not ongoing, slow trolling of leech, nymph, and streamer patterns on intermediate lines ill attract the rainbows.

You will not encounter recreational floaters on either lake, and a forgotten camera would be almost tragic.

Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD