Southwestern Montana

The Madison River is back to its fabled self for the time of year. The big stoneflies have arrived in the reach between Hebgen and Quake lakes, so fly-fishers are concentrating there. Below Quake Lake a great strategy is to concentrate on presenting nymphs (From rubberlegs to caddis pupa) in the AM, then with early PM warming switch to dry fly fishing where caddis and stoneflies of all sizes are bringing up fish. Don't overlook presenting ants and beetles. Hebgen Lake trout seem to be taking midge pupa and some on the surface. Maybe they are getting in practice for the upcoming gulper season. Fishing on Clark Canyon Reservoir is improving but spotty. Midging seems the best approach. The Beaverhead River with a bit lower than normal flows offers some of the best fishing around with golden stones, PMD, and caddis bringing trout up.
Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD