Southwestern Montana
Now that the giant stone fly event is mainly "in the rear view mirror," Hebgen Lake's Madison Arm gulpers are the big attraction.This strictly morning event will attract a lot of action hungry fly fishers, but it is good to remember that other lakes have gulper activity. Elk, Hidden, Cliff and Wade Lakes are good candidates to find this activity.
Here are new emergency closures recently posted on the Montana FWP News web site. See below.
Emergency Fishing Closure will be in effect on portions of Red Rock Creek from Upper Red Rock Lake to the Hell Roaring Creek crossing at South Valley Road. Flow at USGS Gage 06006000 Red Rock Creek above Lakes have fallen near and below 5th percentile mean daily flow. Flow on July 14 was 24.2 cfs (19.7 cfs as of 7/20 10 AM). Low flows have concentrated Arctic Grayling into isolated pools, making them extremely vulnerable to angling. This river section will remain closed to fishing until lifted by FWP administrative action when mean daily flows are adequate to provide cover for Arctic Grayling, or until October 15. The entire Madison River in Montana now has a hoot owl closure
See the FWP NEWS web site for hoot owl and other southwest Montana fishing closures.
Fly Patterns to use:
Elden’s Golden
Coppertop Duracell
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD