Southwestern Montana

Gulpers have begun emerging during wind free AMs on the Madison and South Fork Arms of Hebgen Lake. Activity seems to be varying day by day, but is good enough for a visit. There are several launch site along the Madison Arm Road and at Lonesomehurst campground. Consider that other lakes, such as the upper end of Quake Lake Hidden and Elk Lakes, hosting gulper activity.

The best times for fishing success on the Madison River below Quake Lake is not mid day. Try morning hours for spinner falls and upcoming mutant golden stone fly activity. Socialize, visit a good restaurant, or try the South Fork of the Madison and its PMDs being active because of colder water during mid day. Come back to the Madison River during late afternoon to enjoy long drag free float along banks to encounter trout looking for hoppers, beetles and ants and solid caddis fly activity.

Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan