Idaho Stillwaters

Daniels Reservoir currently offers the best fishing on our irrigation reservoirs. A terrific scud bloom is ongoing there.Take advantage of it by using your favorite scud pattern on an intermediate line. Also try suspending that pattern under an indicator and giving an occasional small twitch. Trying these techniques near submerged vegetation brings best results. Midge pupa patterns presented two to ten feet under an indicator are also producing, but trout seem most interested in the plentiful scuds. Weeds are beginning to break up on Springfield Reservoir making for easier wet fly fishing. Midge pupa patterns under an indicator, small prince nymphs, and leech patterns in black or olive are producing there.
Fly Patterns to use:
Kaufmann’s Scud Gray Olive
Rowley’s Balanced Leech-Black
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red