Idaho Stillwaters
Now is the time to get out and enjoy our local lakes and reservoirs before most of the m freeze up for the winter. We have had good reports from Henry's Lake, Island Park, Daniels, Springfield, and some okay reports from Chesterfield. Of all the lakes Daniels and Springfield are providing the most action. Springfield has been stocked with its annual fall batch of fish and people are having success fishing with dark leech patterns on full sinking lines or small chironomids under indicators. Daniels has been fishing very well with chrionomid pupa under indicators in water from 5-12ft deep. Most of the fish at both locations are under 20" but a fair number of larger fish have been taken out of both recently. Henry's Lake continues to produce when the weather is nice enough to fish (like this week!). People have been having better success in deeper water 8-12 as opposed to the shallow water traditionally fished this time of year. Fly choice doesn't seem to be terribly important but experiment with different sizes and colors of leech/scud patterns until you find what is working best. In the deeper water you need to fish a full sinking line to get you down where the fish are. Of all the area reservoirs, Chesterfield seems to be fishing a little slower then the others. The water is slightly discolored, but fishable. There aren't a lot of fish being caught, but the fish being caught have been nice.
The big freeze is coming but until it does, area stillwaters will continue to fish good. Contact us at the shop with any questions you might have and we can get you squared away!
Fly Patterns to use:
Kaufmann’s Scud Gray Olive
Rowley’s Balanced Leech-Black
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red
Fly Patterns to use:
Kaufmann’s Scud Gray Olive
Rowley’s Balanced Leech-Black
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red