Idaho Stillwaters

Some of the best still water fishing going on now is on Daniels and Springfield reservoirs. At Daniels, try the upper end with leeches in fall colors and midge pupa patterns under an indicator. Springfield Reservoir was stocked back in October, and these fish ranging up to eighteen inches are now responding to midge pupa under an indicator. Finding the taking depth ensures success at both places. Sand Creek Ponds remain open to fishing until December 1st. Afternoons offer best fishing. Try leech patterns in fall colors, prince nymphs, bead head peacock leeches, and damselfly and dragonfly nymph patterns.
Fly Patterns to use:
Chan’s Balanced Ruby-Eyed Leech Black/Red
Rowley’s Balanced Leech-Black
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown