Idaho Stillwaters

As streams succumb to run-off and irrigation water, our reservoirs will become more important as fishing destinations. Some including Chesterfield and 24-Mile recently became ice free and best fishing is yet to come. The upper end of Daniels Res. is beginning to produce for those using small leech and damselfly patterns. Don't overlook using dragonfly nymph patterns in the shallow waters there. Big woolly bugger types an even big stonefly nymph patterns fished slowly along the bottom in a direction toward the shoreline can effectively imitate dragonfly nymphs this time of year. Springfield has recently filled with irrigation sub water. Fishing is a bit slow there but will improve as fish get use to the water change. Midges are active there. Damselfly nymphs will become active soon. Best reservoir fishing in the region currently is at Hawkins Res. Fish are moving toward the dam to look for spawning areas. Damselfly nymph, small leech and BLM patterns are effective when fished on intermediate or faster sinking lines.
Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red