Idaho Stillwaters

As suggested in the last fishing report, here is IDF&G's target Southeast Idaho District fish stocking plan. Most of the plan is for stocking still waters, but some streams are also targeted. Currently Daniels Reservoir offers the best fishing in the District thanks to the active chironomid population. The Dairy Creek road is open and the reservoir has near capacity pool. Hawkins Reservoir also offers good fishing, but is more crowded than Daniels. No word yet on how fishing at Chesterfield Reservoir is doing. Fish Stocking Forecasts | Idaho Fish and Game
Body of Water Week To Be Stocked Number To Be Stocked
Bear River Below Oneida Dam Apr 29-May 3 1500
Crystal Springs Pond Apr 29-May 3 375
Deep Creek Reservoir Apr 29-May 3 3990
East Fork Rock Creek Apr 29-May 3 500
Hawkins Reservoir Apr 29-May 3 840
Trout Creek Apr 29-May 3 2000
Bannock Reservoir May 6-10 500
Devils Creek Reservoir May 6-10 2160
Edson Fichter Pond May 6-10 625
Montpelier Reservoir May 6-10 3500
Portneuf River May 6-10 330
Upper Pleasantview Reservoir May 6-10 1500
Dingle Gravel Pond May 13-17 500
Kelly Park Pond May 13-17 250
McTucker Pond May 13-17 750
Rose Pond May 13-17 1000
Weston Creek Reservoir May 13-17 1500
Bannock Reservoir May 20-24 500
Bear River Below Oneida Dam May 20-24 1500
Blackfoot River May 20-24 1000
Crowthers Reservoir May 20-24 1100
Crystal Springs Pond May 20-24 375
Cub River May 20-24 500
Dingle Gravel Pond May 20-24 500
Edson Fichter Pond May 20-24 625
Kelly Park Pond May 20-24 250
Little Valley Reservoir May 20-24 1000
Mill Creek May 20-24 250
Montpelier Rearing Pond May 20-24 250
Portneuf River May 20-24 330
Bloomington Creek May 27-31 200
Cherry Creek May 27-31 100
Montpelier Rearing Pond May 27-31 250
Paris Creek May 27-31 250
Pebble Creek May 27-31 500
Snake River May 27-31 4000
Snake River May 27-31 1000
Topance Creek May 27-31 750

Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red