Idaho Stillwaters

The Idaho Fish and Game (IDF&G) Upper Snake River region stocking schedule is available on the IDF&G web site. Go to the Press Release and Articles section to find it. One feature of interest is that tiger trout will be stocked in Ririe Reservoir.

the Dairy Creek Road from Hawkins Reservoir over to Daniels Reservoir is open for travel.

Here is an item recently posted by the Twin Lakes Canal Company of Preston, ID

Twin Lakes is one of the most popular recreation sites in Southeast Idaho located approximately 15 miles Northwest of Preston Idaho.

Boats must be inspected for Quagga mussels, before being allowed on the lakes.  This year (2024) there will be an inspection and verification station right at Twin Lakes.  IF your boat has been in quagga infested water it WILL NOT be allowed at Twin Lakes.

There will be a charge of $15.00 for motorized watercraft over 10' and $5.00 for non motorized watercraft under 10'.

Boat Launching Dates: (This may change) May 17- Sept. 9, 2024  

Boat launching hours are:

From May 17th-June 9th, 2024  7am to 7pm. 

From June 10th -Aug. 11th, 2024 6:30 am to 9:00pm.    

From Aug 12th - Sept. 9th, 2024 7am to 7pm.

NO watercraft with ballast compartments or bladders are allowed on the lakes, (even if they are sealed off).

If you have any questions on watercraft at Twin Lakes contact: Clay Tripp  (801) 400-3965 (Independant Contractor of the watercraft inspection and verification station at Twin Lakes).

Condie ReservoirNO watercraft or flotation devices of any kind are allowed due to the threat of quagga mussel.

Winder ReservoirNO watercraft or flotation devices of any kind are allowed due to the threat of quagga mussel.

Trespassers will be fined.

Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red