Idaho Stillwaters

Stillwaters in the area are fishing well right now. Damsels are hatching on most area lakes and the fish are going to be looking for them. I like to fish Damsels under an indicator this time of year but stripping damsels in with an intermediate or super slow sinking "hover" line works great too. The Rio Camolux and Rio Hover lines are great for that type of fishing. Callibaetis are also hatching and the fish seem to key on them early before the damsels really get going. As far as where to go Twenty Four mile, Springfield, Chesterfield, Daniels, Hawkins, and Island Park reservoir are all fishing well. If you enjoy Stillwater fishing, I would get out soon and as often as possible. The fishing is good right now and the weather isn't too terribly hot yet.
Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red