Idaho Stillwaters
At Mackay Reservoir
Boating is not allowed on all reservoirs owned by the Twin Lakes Canal Company but fishing from banks is allowed. Go to their web site to see these reservoirs. Building damsel fly and speckled dun emergences are making for good fishing on such as Chesterfield, Daniels, and Hawkins Reservoirs during wind free periods early and late in the day. IDF&G released inefficient spawning rainbow trout into Mackay and Springfield Reservoirs late last year. Those that have held over through the winter have acquired enough vigor to be as active as wild trout. Thus in both reservoirs they can provide some exciting fishing.
Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red