Idaho Stillwaters
We continue offering information about Southeastern Idaho reservoirs being managed by IDF&G as trophy rainbow trout fisheries. This report features Springfield Lake.
Prior to the 2023 lowland lake survey, Springfield Lake had not been surveyed since 2008. In this year’s survey, 15 rainbow trout were captured with an average length of 17.8 and an average weight of 2.2 pounds. The largest rainbow trout measured 23.5 inches and weighed 4.3 pounds. Harvestable trout were present in Springfield Lake with 33% of the rainbow trout sampled measuring 20 inches in length or greater.
Springfield Lake also had numerous nongame fish present with 452 Utah chub and 251 Utah suckers captured. Future management of this lake may include reducing the densities of Utah chub and Utah suckers to promote trout growth. Over the past three years, we have significantly increased hatchery stocking at this fishery. Despite these efforts, our results suggest that trout fishing at Springfield Lake will be challenging until limiting factors have been addressed.
Currently Springfield Lake offers fair day time fishing with midges, damsel flies and some speckled dun activity. Early and late in the day offers the best times to fish.
Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red