Idaho Stillwaters

Same as the last report, action is picking up everywhere. Stick to waters less than fifteen feet deep. The shallower parts of Daniels Reservoir seem to offer the best fishing for the time being. The upper end and the west side, in particular. Try damselfly nymphs, and some innovators are trailing a midge pupa behind them with success. Try the same on Twenty-Four Mile and Chesterfield reservoirs which are improving. Here's a windy day tactic to try on all these: suspend a damselfly nymph or a small leech pattern under an indicator and let wave action move the fly up & down. Pay attention! We expect reports on the warm water fisheries to begin coming in. To date cold waters have slowed action, but things are warming up.
Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red