Idaho Stillwaters

From our reservoirs to the southeast (24-Mile, Chesterfield, Daniels, Hawkins, Treasureton) comes word that damselfly activity is getting going. Right now its mostly the nymphs moving, so dry fly action is on the way. No dry fly action yet from either damselflies or speckled duns. For now on all of these reservoirs, break out your intermediate and Type II sinkers to present your favorite damselfly nymph patterns. Prefer presenting with indicators, you say? Use that floating line to hang your favorite damselfly nymph about two feet above the bottom. Especially at Daniels, doing the same with an indicator and midge pupa pattern still works well, especially at the upper end.
Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red