Idaho Stillwaters

Most of our irrigation reservoirs to the southeast are experiencing draw-down. Water in Daniels Res. has dropped, is protected through a conservation pool limit. Twenty-Four Mile Res. is not yet down to "mud flat" conditions, but dropping. Outflow from Chesterfield Reservoir is discolored indicating silt passing the dam. North of us Island Park Reservoir's west end springs continue to provide action, and Hebgen Lake is seeing some gulper activity. Recently released hatchery rainbows in Harriman Fish Pond will respond as gulpers in the AM to emerging speckled duns. The same is happening at Sand Creek Ponds #1, #4, and Blue Creek Reservoir (Ponds #2 and #3 are not stocked with fish) which are now open to fishing. When wind picks up enough to impact surface and near surface fishing on Sand Creek Ponds, switch to a small black or olive leech pattern. Warm water prevails on Sand Creek Ponds and the Harriman Fish Pond, so take time to fully revive your catch on releasing it.
Fly Patterns to use:
Harrop’s Mayfly Nymph Callibaetis
Belly Flop Balanced Damsel
Chan’s Balanced Ruby-Eyed Leech Black/Red