Idaho Stillwaters
What Tom gave in the 8-2-10 still water report for Chesterfield applies to all our irrigation reservoirs with the possible exception of Paul Reservoir at the head of the Beaver Creek drainage. So if you seek good still waters, it is time to head to mountain lakes. Some of the nearest in eastern Idaho are Aldous (Centennial Range above Kilgore), Meadow (West of Gilmore Summit), and Mill (off Sawmill Creek), Iron Bog, Brockie and Fishpole ( off Antelope Creek near Moore, ID) lakes. On all these gulpers will be working by mid day, so such as a parachute adams suffice. Small leech patterns fished near drop-offs and around shoreline vegetation will also work. Copper Basin and the Lemhi river drainage feature several lakes. Come to the shop for more information on these.
Fly Patterns to use:
Rowley’s Black Sally
Belly Flop Balanced Damsel
Chan’s Balanced Ruby-Eyed Leech Black/Red
Fly Patterns to use:
Rowley’s Black Sally
Belly Flop Balanced Damsel
Chan’s Balanced Ruby-Eyed Leech Black/Red