Idaho Stillwaters
With respect to irrigation reservoirs, Daniels and Springfield Reservoirs remain the best locations to try. For Springfield, which has big moss beds, try a dry damselfly pattern on top of a channel through the weed beds. For Daniels any damselfly nymph pattern trailed by a small bead head pattern or a midge pupa patten under an indicator are the best bets. Chesterfield Reservoir hosts a huge algae bloom that indicates warm water. Mud flats make for tough access on Twenty-four Mile Reservoir. These conditions make for fewer folks fishing on each, so we have little information to pass on.
Fly Patterns to use:
Gut Bomb Bloodworm Red
Rowley’s Balanced Leech-Black
Belly Flop Balanced Damsel
Fly Patterns to use:
Gut Bomb Bloodworm Red
Rowley’s Balanced Leech-Black
Belly Flop Balanced Damsel