Yellowstone Park

The Lewis River brown trout run will soon be approaching its peak during the Park fishing season ( the peak in numbers happens in November after the Park fishing season closes). Presenting streamer patterns is the name of the game. It takes a bit of effort to enjoy the river's best fish concentration: in the channel between Lewis and Shoshone Lakes. But the river below Lewis Lake requires less effort to approach, and has a good concentration of migrating browns. In either case, leave occupied redds alone. Also, be aware, that the later these runs are pursued, the worse the weather can become. See the above photo taken at the Shoshone Lake outlet campground when the weather was BAD, but fishing was GREAT!
The Firehole River now offers its best fall fishing. Try swinging soft hackled patterns into areas of rising fish or drifting small (#20-22) BWO patterns, drift free, to rising fish.
Fly Patterns to use:
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Antonio’s Adult BWO