Yellowstone Park

The Firehole River will be in prime shape for the fishing season opening this Saturday (tomorrow). Expect fish to key on BWOs and various caddisflies.Yellowstone Lake, now free of ice, also opens to fishing on Saturday, and you must kill all lake trout caught. Lewis Lake is free of ice and opens to fishing Saturday. Presenting streamers while wading the shoreline (insulated waders will help you stay in the water!) will bring responses from resident brown trout. Go to the Park web site to view waters closed to fishing. The Ashton-Flagg Road is open only to Calf Creek Hill. About two feet of snow remains on the road beyond that point. From the Wyoming side the road will not open until June 1st.
Fly Patterns to use:
Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow - Sculpin
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Palomino Caddis Tan