Yellowstone Park
High and discolored water is the case in almost all streams. Only real exception is Lewis River where streamers will work if you can get through the snow. The Firehole is a bit high and slightly discolored. Small buggers and streamers are working there, and a few fish are taking BWOs and caddis with better dry fly fishing yet to come. The Madison River in the Park is high and discolored, but some folks are picking up fish on streamers and woolly buggers. The Gallatin in the Park is high and becomes quite discolored as it exits the Park around the Taylor Fork confluence. The Ashton-Flagg road is weeks away from opening for through traffic, and Fall River along the southwest boundary is high and cold with run-off. Better days are yet to come there for fly-fishers.
Fly Patterns to use:
Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow - Sculpin
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Palomino Caddis Tan
Fly Patterns to use:
Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow - Sculpin
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Palomino Caddis Tan