Yellowstone Park

All waters are in or nearing top shape. Exceptions are the Firehole and Madison rivers and Trout Lake. Leave the Firehole alone until September, Trout Lake until late October, and visit the Madison early in the AM (spinner falls) or in the evening (caddis activity). Fall River Basin streams are in ideal shape for dry fly fishing with PMD and sally activity beginning in early afternoon hours. Brown drakes take over in the evening and one or two green drakes appear when water temps get to the low 50s in degrees F. Beula Lake offers the fastest still water fishing in the Park with its damselfly and speckled dun populations hatching. Add PM caddis coming down the inlet and fish there are responding mightily. Slough Creek brown drakes are coming on, so an evening visit there is a good idea. Grebe and Cascade lakes (both host grayling) offer similar fishing to Beula Lake. Fishing in Shoshone Lake will slow as waters warm.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan